Edward Bray

European Food Safety Authority, Parma, Italy

Ed moved to Parma to join EFSA's communications unit in 2017 after working for seven years as a journalist in Brussels. As a freelance journalist, Ed worked for a number of specialist outlets covering EU policy on agriculture, the environment, health and trade. He also moderated conferences for various stakeholders working on these topics and was an occasional commentator on agricultural issues for BBC radio and TV programmes. The main topics he covers for EFSA’s communications include nutrition, food ingredients, food contact materials and pesticides. Ed holds a Master’s degree in European studies as part of the Euromasters programme, in which he studied at Bath University, Charles University in Prague and Humboldt University in Berlin. He also holds a Bacherlor’s degree in modern and medieval languages (French and German) from the University of Cambridge. As part of his BA, he also studied German literature for a year at the University of Würzburg in southern Germany.